by Nick Rainsford | 12 Dec 2016 | Business, Financial Thymes newsletter, General, Home loans, Investments, Leasing, Uncategorized
In a conversation with a few friends a couple of weeks ago – and while we were all expressing collective dismay at the current state of banking in Australia and globally (as you do when the sticky wine is being served ahead of the cheese platter) – the topic turned to...
by Nick Rainsford | 15 Aug 2016 | Business, General, Home loans, Investments, Leasing, SMSF
As a former banker, I have a soft spot for Australian banks. I have worked for a couple of them. What I have always failed to understand is why people continue to use these banks despite their strong personal feelings opposing them. Let me explain. Many of us have a...
by Nick Rainsford | 8 May 2016 | Business, General, Home loans, Investments, SMSF
Every property boom in living memory has ended badly. This one will be no different. There will be tears…eventually. Please don’t ask me when. If I knew the answer I wouldn’t have my wife staring daggers at me while I push this article out on Mothers Day. For the...
by Nick Rainsford | 21 Mar 2016 | Business, General, Home loans, Investments, Leasing, SMSF
You may have read in the press recently what I have been banging on about since Nick and I started this business. If not, you can read about it here. The article in the smh – which is around 9 months late – states that APRA’s actions have successfully reined in the...
by Nick Rainsford | 29 Feb 2016 | Business, General, Investments, SMSF
We’ve all had to endure help desks or the ironically named “customer service officer” when trying to resolve an error, a fault, a bill error or some other issue. Usually, after going through a frustrating automated menu, with the repeated message beginning with the...