
Dreams, Practicality and Reality
The purchase of your property may be a dream come true for some people but it could also terminate a lifetime’s ambition for many. All we ask is that you think about it and more importantly, talk about it.

Not Busy
It seems these days when you ask somebody how they are the immediate response is a puffing of the cheeks, a very loud exhale of breath and a worried look on their faces before declaring “I’m so busy”.

Panic, Feelings and Falling Property Prices
Ok, you’ve read the scary headlines and called us to discuss the impact falling property prices will have on your mortgage. Even though you were calmed by the end of the conversation, the panic attacks soon started again. These scary feelings were getting the better of you.

Perceptions, Alfas and Irrational Purchases
As I’ve written in previous articles, some clients either have a bias for or against a particular brand of lender. When they’re against a brand, the words “never again” are often used. Some of you may recall a couple of articles from this site. One was about destroying a brand and the other was partly about never dealing with a particular bank again.

Trusted Advisers, Good Accountants and Belligerent Clients
In April last year an old school friend contacted me. He had, quite deliberately, placed himself in a very stressful and quite dangerous financial predicament. He was working with his accountant to find a solution but he wanted to double check with as trusted advisers.

Benchtops, Automation and Missed Appointments
Last week I used an online trades quoting site to help find a tradesperson to replace a benchtop in my laundry. The financial cost will be measured in the hundreds of dollars (it’s a very small benchtop).

New Year, Grudges and Banks
On New Year’s Eve we had our usual family bash at our house. This year we invited some people that we’d banished from our lives some 15 years ago.

Schoolboys, Bankers, North Korea and Holidays
There are many mornings when I drive over to Nick’s place to pick him up. As he climbs into the passenger seat of my car and states “I love my life”, I know then that it’s going to be a day of laughter.

Exercise, Music and Striving Towards a Goal
I’m a great believer in crawling before you can walk. Walking before you can run…you get the picture. I say this because a couple of months ago I started an exercise regime that I had abandoned years ago.

Financial Fraud, ASIC, Brokers and Banks
Every now and then you find out why things happened sometime after they've already happened. At times these are minor things like why my son, who was near the top of his class for science, failed the end of year exam. I found out a week later and while a little...