Take Out the Risk
The human race has seen extraordinary advancements in the last 100 years. We have never failed to move forward, do better, strive harder…until the last decade. Take the development of the Concorde. It was developed in the 1960’s jointly by the British and the French. Released in the 1970’s and killed off in the past decade. It’s the first time passenger aircraft travel has gone backwards – in terms of speed – since Orville and Wilbur first flew the Kittyhawk.
Elections, Brexit and Investments
If you’ve been reading the headlines recently you may have stumbled upon predictions of doomsdays ahead for the property market should one party or the other win and succeed in introducing their policies.
A Day of Imperfections
In our line of work we meet many different people. People from all walks of life. Rich, poor, healthy, unhealthy, educated, uneducated, theists, atheists, men, women, transgender, gay, straight, able, disabled…you get the picture. One thing I’ve noticed is the underlying reason they utilise our services.

Fixed or Variable
5 reasons people select a Variable Rate Home Loan.
5 Reasons people select a Fixed Rate Home Loan.
Re-Regulation is Almost Complete
Way back in 1985, the Hawke/Keating government threw the financial markets’ doors open. 16 new banks were licensed and allowed to operate in the Australian market. It was a new era. We should finally get some competition. And we did. That’s a far cry from the re-regulation being enacted today.
When a System is Designed to Frustrate
We spoke to a wonderful client last week, who had run a substantial business employing hundreds of people. He had been banking with a major Australian Bank for four decades. Now they’re designed to frustrate.
Box Ticking – Resistance is Futile
This week I was sent an article from an insolvency practitioner and friend with the headline “Research Shows 60% of SMEs are Refused Loans” (published in Accountants’ Daily).
No More Bets
Step right up. Around and around it goes where it stops nobody knows.Step right up. Around and around it goes where it stops nobody knows. No more bets.
Non-Resident? Sorry!
We at Thyme Financial had never received an inquiry from an non-resident borrowers for residential property until this week. Until this week…
Did the RBA Kill the Bust?
Every property boom in living memory has ended badly. This one will be no different. There will be tears…eventually.