Flesh Coloured Pus Bags
A few weeks ago I heard a wonderful expression to describe people that are always negative. The speaker at a seminar I attended was comparing those negative people in Australia to those crossing borders whilst fleeing war.
Meaningless Relationships
We at Thyme Financial are often astounded when clients tell us they had banked with a particular institution for decades and now in their late sixties they are met with bad service, products that are irrelevant or a loan rejection. That rejection may be for an investment loan, a bridging loan, a car lease or even a credit card.
The Disappearing Lowest Rate
Be careful what you wish for…
All of us love a bargain. It’s irresistible. Why pay the rack rate for something when you can get it for a quarter of the retail price. Those that have travelled to the US and frequented their outlet malls will know what I mean.
The Shrinking Borrowing Capacity
A few weeks ago, after attending a property seminar, one of our clients contacted us and asked us to assess his borrowing capacity for an additional investment loan.
Trust and the Major Banks
As a former banker, I have a soft spot for Australian banks. I have worked for a couple of them. What I have always failed to understand is why people continue to use these banks despite their strong personal feelings opposing them. Let me explain.
Low Rates: Why They’re Bad?
Like most people, I thought that the 0.25% interest rate cut announced by the RBA at 2:30pm last Tuesday was a good thing. Until I sat back and thought about it.
The Good and the Bad
Last week my son got his provisional drivers licence in the state of New South Wales. As a good citizen, I thought I would disclose to my insurer that a young driver with a provisional licence was now driving one or more of our cars. I dreaded doing this as I was time...

No Need to Panic
Over the last few months I have begun to notice a despondency amongst some younger people about their lot in life. Specifically, how out of reach home ownership is for them. However, there’s no need to panic.
We Still Need Banks
There is an argument around today that given banks have been the cause of so much economic grief over the past decade, we should curb their ability to operate, nationalise them or, more dramatically, simply close them down – presumably in favour of something else.
Our Quote Is Not Wrong, It’s Out of Date
Lately we’ve been playing catch up. Lenders adjust their rates so often that, at times, as soon as we’ve issued a price comparison to a client, it’s out of date – made redundant by the aforesaid changes that lenders put into affect.