by Nick Rainsford | 27 Jun 2016 | Business, General, Investments, SMSF, Uncategorized
If you’ve been reading the headlines recently you may have stumbled upon predictions of doomsdays ahead for the property market should one party or the other win and succeed in introducing their policies. Here’s the thing…don’t believe a word of it. Since the mid...
by Nick Rainsford | 13 Jun 2016 | Business, General, Home loans, Investments, SMSF, Uncategorized
Way back in 1985, the Hawke/Keating government threw the financial markets’ doors open. 16 new banks were licensed and allowed to operate in the Australian market. It was a new era. We should finally get some competition. And we did. That’s a far cry from the...
by Nick Rainsford | 4 Apr 2016 | Business, General, Home loans, Investments, Leasing, SMSF, Uncategorized
As more than 50% of home loans are now placed through brokers, it’s interesting to reflect on the pros and cons of each channel. In previous articles I had already mentioned some of these but they bear repeating here. Let me cut to the conclusion. Every financial...
by Nick Rainsford | 8 Feb 2016 | Business, General, Home loans, Investments, SMSF, Uncategorized
Two weeks ago Japan did something to its economy the effects of which will be felt all over the world. It dropped it’s official interest rates from zero to negative. Why? To answer that question we need to take a trip down memory lane. Kill Me Now! – Unknown...
by Nick Rainsford | 11 Jan 2016 | Business, General, Home loans, Investments, SMSF, Uncategorized
To quote Polonius more completely than the title suggests: Neither a borrower nor a lender be For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. William Shakespeare, ca. 1598, Hamlet Act 1, Scene 3 When Hamlet was first performed in...
by Nick Rainsford | 21 Dec 2015 | General, Uncategorized
Merry Christmas to all of our clients, referrers and followers In the last two weeks, the press has been in a lather about the UN Climate Change conference held in Paris. It is worthwhile travelling down memory lane to see how the world has behaved in the past when it...