by Nick Rainsford | 6 Mar 2017 | Business, General, Home loans, Investments, Leasing, SMSF, Uncategorized
I see many on-line distributors of various products spruiking their wares digitally. As many people have come to realise if you’re selling online you better be the cheapest. Or at least cheaper than someone who offers service. In our game, it’s the same thing. You can...
by Nick Rainsford | 20 Feb 2017 | General, Home loans, Investments, SMSF, Uncategorized
People often ask Nick and I about how to prepare themselves and/or their kids for taking out a home loan. Obviously, everyone’s financial circumstances are different but, this week, I thought I would compile a short list of the lessons our clients have learned and...
by Nick Rainsford | 13 Feb 2017 | Business, General, Home loans, Investments, Leasing, SMSF, Uncategorized
If there’s one thing that has been constant in the financial world it’s been that of constant change. But change is not always for the better. This article explores some of the changes (good and not so good) over the past forty or so years. I arrived in Australia in...
by Nick Rainsford | 6 Feb 2017 | Business, General, Home loans, Investments, Leasing, SMSF, Uncategorized
There is a worrying trend amongst some homeowners to use their family homes (usually their most significant – if not only – asset) like a large debit card. Why borrow more? In some circumstances this is perfectly acceptable. If you have a low LVR or, better still, no...
by Nick Rainsford | 9 Jan 2017 | Business, General, Home loans, Investments, Leasing, SMSF, Uncategorized
I was watching the Godfather trilogy a few weeks ago. In one particular scene one of the members of the Corleone family (the main crime family in the film trilogy) is about to be executed when he utters the words “tell Michael it was only business”. Then he was...
by Nick Rainsford | 4 Jan 2017 | Investments, SMSF
Happy New Year to all of our clients, referrers and followers. We hope 2016 is a good year for all of you. Last year saw us receive many enquiries by wide-eyed investors about buying property within their Self Managed Superannuation Funds (“SMSF”). After a...