02 8278 7658 [email protected]

Asset Rich and Cash Poor

How many of us know someone in this predicament? They barely have enough cash to buy their own lunch but go home to a million dollar home each night and have an SMSF in the hundreds of thousands as well. They feel they cannot access any of that cash. Why? Because it’s...

Are You Allowed to Drive a Semi

When we go for a drivers licence we are classed according to the type of vehicle we’re trained in. Most of us would not be allowed to drive a semi-trailer without the appropriate training and licence. Each year we re-new those licences. Banks are similar in that APRA...

Careful What You Sign

When searching for a debt provider it’s often tempting to sign up to the first lender that agrees to finance you (or even the cheapest). There’s nothing wrong with either of those strategies if they work for you. There is however something in the terms and conditions...

The Chinese Are Here

I saw a post on Linkedin a couple of weeks back by a senior Australian banker asking if businesses were prepared for ChAFTA. The free trade agreement between China and Australia – which was signed in Canberra on 17 June 2015. There’s some water to flow under the...