02 8278 7658 [email protected]

Rates and the Punter

We are always asked our opinion as to which way lending rates will be moving next. Our standard response is to point towards the RBA statements and recent economists but politely dodge the question. As part of our credit licence we cannot give specific advice. The...

The End of Employment

The headlines of a few months ago citing a professional body that predicted a very high percentage of jobs will be lost to automation (or robots) are now this months worm food. Still let’s reflect on where we currently stand compared to just two decades ago. In...

Bring Out Your Dead

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article entitled Picking Winners. It has since been pointed out to me by a few readers that the opposite is in fact true in banking. That is, banks look into a crystal ball and through the eyes of their credit management try and pick the...

Picking Winners

As we head into Melbourne Cup week when we all hope to be picking winners – traditionally the end of the year and the beginning of the festive season – I thought it would be worth reflecting on the businesses that could have been if governments had decided to pick...