by Nick Rainsford | 10 Sep 2017 | Business, General, Home loans, Investments, SMSF
It’s difficult to admit but we all lie at one time or another. Mostly we lie so as not to offend with the usual “don’t you look nice?” whilst trying not to wear our true feelings on our faces. Sometimes we lie to our kids to protect them from torment or unnecessary...
by Nick Rainsford | 3 Sep 2017 | General, Home loans, Investments
Do you have a big home loan? Is it much greater than you ever imagined? How much is too much? One of our major banks now has a policy that says an interest only mortgage cannot be greater than a multiple of the gross income of the borrowers. That multiple is rumoured...
by Nick Rainsford | 25 Aug 2017 | Business, General, Home loans, Investments, Leasing, SMSF
You could be forgiven for thinking that interest rates occupy our minds more than any other topic. Every time a bank moves rates one way or another, it’s headline news. Even when the RBA doesn’t move rates there’s a news story about it. We’ve been conditioned to think...
by Nick Rainsford | 20 Aug 2017 | Business, General
I used to work at a bank the CEO of which used to worship at the altar of tech companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft etc. He used to wonder why the culture of a tech company could not pervade that of a bank. Oh, and he was also originally hired into banking from a...
by Nick Rainsford | 12 Aug 2017 | Business, General, Home loans, Investments, Leasing, SMSF
It’s always good when all the hard work we do pays off for our clients. We’ve had a record couple of months recently with the obvious reward that is associated with that. The less obvious result is what it means for the people that we work for – our clients....